Thursday, November 29, 2007

tonight i write for grandma gail

Tonight I write for Grandma Gail.

(This original post was written 11.29.07. Today is 1.28.14 and Grandma Gail died this morning. She actually recovered very well from the sudden heart problems that I describe in this post, and she went on to actually quit smoking, which I never thought would happen! Unfortunately, a few years ago she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She received treatment and went into remission for a while, but when the cancer re-occurred about a year ago the doctors deemed her health too unstable to treat. For the last year she has been living with the awareness that her death was approaching, however the cancer progressed very little, and it was a secondary infection that ultimately called the last breath from her.

More importantly, from the time I wrote this post I was able to engage more actively with Gram. Though I did not see her often, my family made a point to visit when we could, and I spoke with her on the phone more frequently.

We all found she softened a good bit. She reluctantly moved out of the house she had shared with my great grandmother and relocated to an apartment in a complex with other elders and lot of social support. To her surprise, she made friends, she played cards, she got to visit the casino, she helped plan parties! It is with a glad heart that I can say in her final years Grandma Gail relaxed and had a little fun.

I am so grateful that i was able to visit her in her very last days and introduce her to her newest great grandchild. Just over a week ago I made the trek to Pittsburgh from North Carolina to see her. Arduous as it was to go on a long, snowy drive with my 9 month old baby and my 2 1/2 year old niece along, the timing was so very good. We had two days of gentle, easy visits with her in her apartment, and quite literally we were visiting with her until the last moments she ever spent there. She was taken to the hospital just after we left and never returned home.

She thanked me again and again for bringing the babies to see her. She and I had a few good minutes of one-on-one talking about waiting for death. She told me she did not know how to die, and all I could do was liken it to birth. "We don't know how to give birth either, Grandma, and we don't know when it's going to happen. We just need to believe in the process and let it come." I am grateful she did not have to wait very long, as she expressed being ready for the end.

I am also very, very grateful that in her final days that she did have a lot of family nearby, after all. My cousins and uncle lived close to her and helped her regularly. My mother was able to have a long visit over the holidays, and my boys got to see her briefly then, as well. My sister moved to Pittsburgh months ago and has been dutifully visiting and caring for her during this time. My aunt has flown frequently from New Mexico to make several prolonged visits to make sure her care was excellent and her needs were well met. My sister and aunt were both with her until late into last night sharing stories and love.

I love you, Grandma. I envision your energies peacefully and freely mingling amongst all the universe now. Thank you for bringing life to our family. Blessed be.)

My grandma is in the hospital. Late last night, alone in her house so recently vacated by her mother, her only roommate for the last ten years who died this past summer, Grandma Gail called 911, terrified I'm sure, by the horrific pain in her chest. She was rushed to one hospital, then life flighted to another apparently in some imminent danger, and now she rests in the ICU, medicated and sedated while they wait to stabilize her blood pressure so they can open up her chest and work their way to the aneurysm swelling threateningly in her tough old heart.

See, my grandma is no white-haired sweetie who bakes cookies and sends birthday cards every year or care packages in your first year of college. That was my great grandma, her mother, who we called Sita, who passed on, as I said, earlier this year. Gail was never very maternal or nurturing. She is actually quite a miserable old lady who smokes way too much and is prejudiced and judgmental and just a wee bit delusional. She spends too much money on lottery tickets, has a loudly voiced opinion on everything whether you want to hear it or not and is usually no fun to be around. So now, having driven most of her family away from her, she is alone.

Except now, the only place in the world I want to be is by her side. Because right now, I don't care about all the ugly things she said to me when I was a teenager, right now, she is my grandma, my ancestor, and I am afraid she could be at the end of her life. Right now I am remembering that this bitchy old lady used to be my favorite person in the world. There is a family legend of which I do have a vague recollection of living that as a very young child when my mom would tell me no or make me mad that I would cry and scream, "I WANT MY GRAAAAANDMAAAAA!!!" because I knew she'd save the day. Really.

When I was a little girl, my grandma spoiled me rotten. I was raised by a single mom who, like me, like every single mom, was really busy, so when I was very young I spent a lot of time with my grandma. She took me to K-Mart to buy me cheap plastic toys and she took me to the Eat-N-Park restaurant and fed me junk food, all of which I thought was very cool. She never cooked, but she did teach me how to make fried garlic bologna. And I thought it was really, really yummy.

But I have always known in my heart of hearts that Grandma Gail has had a much deeper and more formative impact on me. For all that I have come to know in later years that it was mostly a facade to hide her own pain, my grandma was tough. While other people's grandmas were white-haired and shriveled and in nursing homes, my grandma was sturdy and black-haired and loud. She ran her own business. Of course, through my child's eyes I had know idea her business was failing, miserably. Instead what I saw was a smart woman who could be a business-lady, who worked as an equal with men and drove a jeep out into the country to oversee operations. It doesn't matter now what a myth that is, what a mess it was, the impression it made on me lasted. Grandma Gail taught me I could be bossy, I could be in charge, and I don't think there is a soul who knows me who would argue I have done anything but live that lesson to my core.

Grandma Gail taught me to love books, love literature, love to write. Although the books she read were mostly crappy-ass romance novels, that woman read books voraciously. There were always, always books stacked by the dozen on her desk, her kitchen table and on the floor by her bed. She set an example that if you had free time, you better have your nose in a book. And I didn't know any better about what kind of books she was reading. I just saw that she was reading, all the damn time.

But you know what books she gave me? Shakespeare's plays. I was in fourth grade when my grandma bought me my first copy of Romeo and Juliet. I loved it. I didn't understand a goddamn word of it until I read it all again in high school, but then it was fluid like Seuss, because in early childhood I had mustered my way through that thick and indeciperable old English so it was back there in the recesses of my brain, and with the illumination of a few years and some English classes, suddenly that stuff made perfect sense. I can still recite the balcony scene by heart. Since the fourth grade.

And as much as she read, she wrote. She was aspiring to write the great American romance novel that was going to fly onto the bestsellers list with its buxom heroine on the cover and make grandma a bunch of money. And, like her every other endeavor, she failed at that. But that didn't stop her from clacking away at the cacophonous keys of her electric typewriter late into the night, sometimes really late into the night. She tried. She was really trying. And as I rapidly clack away at my somewhat more decorous computer keyboard composing this ode to her, there isn't a beat in my rhythm that wasn't put into motion by her. Looking around me at the volumes of poetry and blogs and journals I have written over the years, at my sister's nuance laden, remarkable song writing and my brother's deafeningly talented, late night poems, there is no argument that can be made that Gail didn't have a hand in making writers out of all of us.

I just can't figure out what the fuck went wrong. Grandma, for all the falsehoods she has come to rely on as fact the older she has gotten, is a really smart lady. She is highly intellectually gifted. She could have been a good writer. She could have run a successful business, but something was always wrong and for the life of me I have not been able to trace it to its source.

Our family is like a modern fairy tale, a tale of one daughter that grew like a favored flower on a vine and another who grew like a hardy weed, tough and irascible but never the delicate blossom you would bring home and admire. My great grandma Sita or Mary, as the rest of the world knew her, had two beautiful daughters, Gail and Wynne. I didn't know my great grandfather, but I heard he was a nice man, and Sita was a very lovely lady. They had traditional values, of which I am not a huge fan, but that was how the world worked early in the last century, right? And some of those traditional values were really based in an even older tradition, that I suspect I would appreciate more. Sita's family immigrated from Lebanon, five kids or so in tow and a couple more to be born in the new world. So Gail and Wynne grew up with a loving mother and father and lots of family around to shower them with love. They grew up on homemade Middle Eastern food with Arabic speaking aunties telling them stories.

So somehow along the way the two flowers diverged. Gail got married young, too young, to my grandfather who I never knew because he left before I made it into this story. She had three kids, beautiful and bright, and from their telling, she committed her worst failure of all by neglecting to nurture her babies as she should have. They resent her and her lack and their lives have been full of struggle, are still full of struggle. Wynne, though, well, she went to college, then got married, then had four kids, who all grew up to get educations, then careers, then spouses, then families-- and all in that order. Not that I think that is all there is to life, but those cousins of ours, they seem even-keeled, seem a little less stricken. They certainly have made some money, but they also seem to have a lot of love. They seem like happy people.

But my grandma's legacy has been poverty and drunkenness and drug addiction and divorce. Her kids have all seen it all, and most of us grandkids, too. And though I personally am truly happy and very content with my life now, it was a hell of a hard road getting here. And I do recognize and honor all of the radical thinking and revolutionary acts and outstanding art that has been born out the painful path that Gail's progeny have walked, too. The beauty in the dissonance (to quote Tool) stemming from Gail's side of the family is by no means lost on me.

But I can't help but hurt knowing that my grandma is not happy. She has never been happy. Not, I believe, for a day in all the years I've known her. And I am sad for her. I forgive all her ridiculous mistakes, all the times she called us names once we left behind childhood's innocence. Man, she hated that. She loved to dote on all of us as young children, but once she began to see a glimmer of our snarky adolescent independence, she turned on us like God turned on poor Adam and Eve once they had bitten that bittersweet apple of knowledge. When our innocence was lost, so was the grace we held in her eyes. And it was a really fucking hard fall for me, her pronounced favorite. But in retrospect, I know in my flesh made of her flesh that that was when she experienced her own fall. I am sure of it. When she lost her own innocence was when all the world went dark for her, and every time she saw one of her kids or her grandkids go through our natural progression out of the safety of childhood's naivete and into the relative danger of the dirty knowledge of adulthood, she went through her own loss again, and she could not bear it. She lashed out at us, as if to keep the very memories from her own mind, all the while, though, wanting only to protect is from the fears she held for us about growing up into the pain she has known for herself.

I don't know what happened, Grandma, but I wish I did. I wish I could take all that pain away from you and let you live your life again unfettered by that trauma and fear. I wish for all the world that any of us could have better tolerated your harping abuse, because maybe now we wouldn't all be so far flung away from you all over this big country and instead be by your bedside. I get it now. But it took you being incapacitated in a hospital 500 miles away from me for to really let it sink in.

When Sita died this summer I was the only one who didn't cry. I loved Sita, but I did not feel close to her, and she lived such a long, rich and happy life that when in her 96th year she didn't wake from a nap one summer afternoon, I felt nothing but relief and joy that she did not suffer, that her full life had come to its natural end. Today I've cried for Gail off and on all day. I want my grandma who I always thought was so strong to actually be strong. I do not want her life to end alone and miserable, for I would not wish that on anyone, but most certainly not on the woman from whom I learned that wearing boots made you look cool and swearing like a fucking truck driver isn't just for truck drivers. I wish that, despite our insistence that poverty is an act of revolution that we had somehow succeeded where she failed and that we all had enough goddamn money to take the week off work and jump onto planes and fly to her side.

When I was a little girl, I had a lot of fears. The dark veil that fell over our side of the family shrouded me most in my early years, and I had some real shit to be scared of. But I remember saying to grandma one time that I wasn't afraid of any monsters coming to get me at her house cause I knew she would scare them all away. I remember everyone laughed when I said that, and of course as a mommy now, familiar with the "out of the mouths of babes" phenomenon, and knowing how everyone felt about Gail, I understand why they laughed and the entirely different dimension of meaning there is to that story. But I also remember acutely, in a way I do not remember much else about my cloudy childhood, the feeling I had when I said that to her. I felt safe. I felt secure. And I did not feel that way much as a child. I am grateful my miserable grandma had the power to make me feel safe, had some sort of gift of illusion that lead me to believe she was strong, that demonstrated to me that women are strong. I have gone far with that belief.

As I sat writing this my mom called. Although she is still in ICU, it sounds as though maybe Grandma Gail is not as bad off as we thought earlier today. The diagnosis is no longer coronary aneurysm, but two small aortic tears brought on by a very serious and scary, nonetheless, attack of high blood pressure. This is just the beginning of the end. Born of her pain and self-loathing I am sure, Grandma Gail has not at all cared for herself well. I do not suspect she will make the mostly graceful exit that her mother made, having never lived with much of the same grace, either. It is too early still to know how she will recover from this episode and how she will respond to medications and instructions to, say, quit smoking (although, I can guess on that count). She will probably be bitchier now and in pain and feel even more persecuted than before. She may not be able to work, poor soul that she is, who has still been working almost every day at 75 years of age as a manager at a gas station because she's too poor not to. Fuck, what I wouldn't do to change that for her.

But I am grateful that her illness brought up this well of compassion and admiration for her that I didn't even realize until today that I harbor inside me. I am inspired to get more present in her life and figure out how I can be there for her if and when this happens again. And even more so, I feel suddenly dedicated to work on bringing her some joy, some comfort, some validation in the coming months and hopefully years of her life. I didn't realize until just now how much I forgive her. I didn't realize until I started writing how much that tough old broad really did help make me who I am today. And though I did not learn this trait from her, I really like myself and am proud to be who I am, a third generation single mother who swears too much and writes late into the night and fiercely protects her children from monsters in a way that I may have only imagined had been done for me, but that my grandma helped me imagine well enough to make it my reality.

(Grandma Gail loves unicorns, as do my mom and I. I picture her as the unicorn above with all of us gathering around her.)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

spiritual rock

Yesterday, for the first time in a long while, I walked out onto the other end of my property. Granted, almost every day I walk alongside one edge of our property’s border with the boys and the dogs, and I love our walk and daily feel so blessed to live in these mountains surrounded by trees and millions of brilliant little plants and under an impossibly blue (and still very dry) sky. But out of habit and function, we have fallen into a routine in which we take the same walk every day, so it was nice to break out of that and walk the overgrown path out to the sturdy wooden platforms that were built on this land before we ever got here.

And I fell in love, as I do every time I wander anywhere on this patch of earth I so gratefully call home. The leaves crunched crisply under our feet and our pack of dogs gleefully ran roughshod around our legs. The kids climbed on our mysterious hippie sound dome, another structure built prior to our arrival that we adopted with the property. I keenly noticed which pieces of fallen wood will burn well to heat the house and which pieces were better suited to compost back into the ground nourishing the soil and providing housing for mice and bugs. It is so beautiful here, and there is so much life, so much going on around us every minute; it is miraculous.

I cannot explain really what it is like to be in love with land like this. As much as I don’t want to think ownership has anything to do with it, I know my relationship to this place is very different than it has been to any other place I’ve ever lived or visited, but I think it is less because I feel it belongs to me, and more because I feel like I belong to it, or that we are here for each other, locked into an agreement that these hills and trees will provide me with shelter and beauty and food and heat and space, and I will, in turn, do everything in my power to protect at least this little parcel from being plowed under, bulldozed over, excavated and turned into one more homogenized, flattened, suburban sprawl style housing development. I talk to the land and to the trees. I pray for them to pull energy up through their roots to send out to me that I may have what it takes to protect them. I offer to be their voice. I vision what I might see for the land and me to create together and play that vision over in my head as I walk along to feel if I am met with approval or resistance. The land feels it might enjoy having some alpaca live here. It would rather not become ground for cattle or too many more houses. That works for me, too.

As we trekked back toward the house I noticed another entity that makes this place feel especially magical and enduring and inviting: the rocks, the outcroppings and boulders and huge stones that are all around us as if we now reside on grounds that were formerly used for some sort of giants’ pebble tossing festival. I will never ever forget the first time we drove here, utterly enchanted and enthralled to think we could perhaps live in such a wonderland. The route to our home from town is filled with dramatic rock faces and waterfalls, and our land is home to many impressive, massive stones that jut defiantly from the ground. They have so much personality in their different sizes and shapes and colors and feelings.

One rock, in particular, will always have my heart. This one sits just a little way off the path we walked yesterday, back amongst the trees, and I noticed it very fondly. It faces out into our yard to the east, where you could catch a dazzling sunrise through the forest if you were to sit there near dawn. It is large enough that two or three beloved friends could sit together comfortably, their feet dangling off the edge just above the ground. During one of our earliest visits, as we returned here numerous times to be sure this indeed was the place we would call home, my then eight year old G romped excitedly through the woods. This place was like something out of my children’s dreams, and they were excitedly exploring every facet of the land. He called to me from the woods and I looked up to see him perched on that particular rock, and he said, “Mom, look! A spiritual rock!” but in his childlike dialect it came out more like “speerichool rock.” I am sure I will always think of that rock as the spiritual rock, and it will always give me a shiver of pleasure to remember his little voice calling out those words and to be reminded of how exceptionally blessed we are to live in such a place that calls a little boy to so easily name the sacred.

(The rock in the picture above is not on our property, but rather is a distance view of the locally famous Chimney Rock which our property overlooks from a greater distance.)

Monday, November 12, 2007

suddenly adolescent

My eldest is going to turn 14 next month. That means in just over a year he will be old enough to qualify for his driver's learning permit. This occurred to me just recently. Now, all of the sudden, he seems to have a girlfriend.

He is a tricky fellow, my little boy turned big. He is very smart and very cute, but very awkward. He talks too much. He is really negative and judgmental. He seems to want to dress all in black and kind of goth-metal. Which is fine, I did all of that stuff. But the issue has been that for months he has felt like he has no friends (which isn't true) and has been a bit mopey about it, yet at any opportunity I have provided for him to make new friends (and I have gone well out of my way to do so), he always hates the other kids.

Until now. A few weeks ago a new girl showed up at the homeschool writing class I teach. She is tall, like him, pretty like him, all goth and into vampires, like him, wears dark eyeliner, like him, a 13 year old Capricorn, like him. During the second class I noticed she threw notes to him throughout. Cute.

So they have spent some together since. And oddly, another thing they have in common is their upbringing. She, too, has a single, heavily tattooed, fringe-of-society kind of mom. She, too, has been living out on a very rural acreage with limited friends. She, too, has three big dogs, one of whom eats their chickens. She, too, has been homeschooled her entire life. So it all really makes sense.

Last night when I arrived to pick him up, there he sat on the couch with her, arms around each other, her head on his chest. A first. I am experiencing my own sense of shock. It feels a bit like the tornado winds of change have just blown through my life and my relationship with my son. Now he puts his arms around a girl and I wonder what will come next. (Well, I know what comes next, but when?) For the first time in his life, he ignores me and my adult conversations for his own teenage companion. An entirely new set of very adult issues is now a potential reality for his life, and mine. I want to reign him in, hold him close to me, tighter. I have worked so hard to protect him, but now I really do need to let him go and begin to figure out his own life (which it is) on his own.

I realize I am not the first person to ever go through this transition with their child, but our paradigm has been one of being so very enmeshed with each other, intentionally. Attachment style parenting is about allowing the incredibly powerful bond that exists between parent and child to truly flourish. It is about giving yourself, body and soul, to your child so that he knows that he is safe and loved. Through that gift he develops a strong sense of security, of self-worth, which allows him to explore his world with such secure back up that he can become strongly independent. Now he is. He has had wide open access to me for all his needs for so long, that it is a bit like getting the rug yanked out from under me to recognize how near he is to no longer needing that. Not yet, I know. Not today. But soon.

I am pleased that he is happy and enjoying himself. I have been giving him rides and dropping him off and allowing him to have free time with his friend. I have not been harassing him (too much) with questions about what they do together. And I know (unbeknownst to him) that this is just a beginning, the first in a long line of meetings that will gradually, over time shape how he gives and receives love, who he will love and what love will mean to him. And I know that this is a delicate and powerful process that will literally shape his life and will greatly impact his enjoyment of his life, his ability to be fulfilled in and out of relationships. I look around at all those around me broken by love and I realize why this feels so monumental. Because it is.

We are born to love, are creatures of love incarnate, and so many struggle with that all of their days. As I have since the first of his cells began replicating in my womb I want for him to live a joyous existence and thrive in every aspect of his life. The role that love plays in his life will touch every other part of his existence. And now at this crucial moment is when I must let go and give him up to this big world and to his own destiny. It sucks, quite honestly.

Yet now is when I look back on the last almost fourteen years of my sacrifices for his sake, of my loving him and his brother like nothing else mattered (because nothing else did), of my being there for him, and I can release him to life knowing that I have prepared in him a well-nourished soil for love to root strongly and survive even the most bitter of winters should he need to brave them, he and his warm heart full of all abiding love.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

poem for my brother

poem for my brother

Night creature
Slight young creature born in the pneumonia month of January,
I watched as the ambulance drivers carried our mother
out into the cold on a stretcher.
So sick was she,
Her belly swollen with you protruding into the white sheet
Pulled meagerly over her weak body on its way into
The sharp chill of a Pittsburgh winter.

On a penicillin bender
You came to us 3 weeks early
Never put to the breast
‘cause nobody knew that the good that nursing would have done you
Far outweighed the risk of more antibiotics in the milk you never imbibed,
Nobody knew that whatever attention from our mother you could get
Would barely quell the ache in your heart left by our father’s absence.

30 years later I sit composing in your cave,
Sit writing in your dark, underground space
As I know you have done a thousand times before.
Driven to write about you sitting in your seat and
Surrounded by the library stacks of your poetic predecessors
Blake and Bukowski
Confucius and Cummings
Dante and Dostoyovsky
Hesse, Kafka, Kazantzakis and Kerouac.
Your life lacks such order
Yet your heroes’ tomes rest alphabetically on their dusty shelves
A testimony to the priority the written word has in your world.

Unpaid bills and unattended health issues and untapped talents galore
You are the poet I wish I could be-
Prolific, spewing volumes into the deep hours of the dark night
Edgy and complex and tortured and
What a fucking way with words, man.
All that brilliant angst and unprocessed pain
Distilled into a tangled fury of pure emotion
Your clarion call to yourself, to our mother, to our father
That your childhood still requires action.

Take it, babe. Take that action, whatever it may be,
That gets you out of the pizza joint and into the literary magazines,
Out of the bar and into graduate school,
Out of your misery and into a fulfilling, exciting life of
Love and art and health and family,
Functional family, finally.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

in honor

Today is father's day and not a day on which I typically do much reveling. My father has never been in my life and my children's father lives 500 miles away from me, and them. And yet I want to shout out that if you are out there doing a good job, being a good man and a good father, thank you.

Furthermore, if you are a good human being, doing your part to lessen suffering on the planet and to do right by others, thank you, whether you are man or woman or otherwise, parent or not.

So today I share with you some inspiration that came from my beloved and brilliant little sister who was asked to perform a mother's day sermon a few weeks back at a UU church. She humbly sent her writings for that day to me only after I begged the privilege to read her words. She felt she could have done better. I feel we all could do better, but that she is doing a fucking remarkable job. Thanks, Mimi. You inspire and honor me beyond description.

Her words:

I was asked to speak today about the origin of Mother’s Day and I just about died. I feel like I know how Christian Ministers must feel on Easter or Christmas, preaching the sermon on the mount. Or how a relief pitcher must feel getting a call from the Bull Pen during a championship game. It’s a big day with big shoes to fill. A day when many of my heroes have stepped up to the plate. So I’m honored and a little terrified, but I’m channeling one of them: Julia Ward Howe, an ordinary woman, a poet, an activist and a mother, devastated by the carnage of the Civil War, who stepped up to the podium in 1870 to proclaim the first mothers day, it gives me goosebumps that can only mean that I’m in the right place.

“Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts,
whether our baptism be that of water or of fears!

Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by
irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking
with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be
taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach
them of charity, mercy and patience.

We women of one country will be too tender of those of another
country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From
the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own.
It says "Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance
of justice."

Blood does not wipe our dishonor nor violence indicate possession.
As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons
of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a
great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women,
to bewail and commemorate the dead.

Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the
means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each
bearing after their own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar,
but of God.

In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I earnestly ask that a
general congress of women without limit of nationality may be
appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at
the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the
alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement
of international questions, the great and general interests of

With these words, a great American holiday was born. One whose origin and meaning is as obscured by the magical erasing, manipulating powers of capitalism as Christmas. Yet a stern, disapproving reproach from a mother, especially a public one, as we all know, has a special power to plant itself firmly in the conscience and ring in our ears constantly and at the most inconvenient times.

I’m not a mother, so I don’t know the seeming alchemy that makes this work. I’ve often found myself in awe of how the moms in my life in a single statement can mix one part disappointment, one part anger, one part unconditional affection and one part absolute allergic reaction to excuses to let me know when I’ve screwed up and I can do a better job. I think of my sister, who as a single mom at one point working, going to college and homeschooling her two sons at the same time, has elevated domestic cooperation to an art form, a science. Her house is like a high-functioning direct democracy. I remember one incident when my nephew was 9 or 10, and she was frantically cleaning or making dinner and asked him to please find something upstairs. When he spent 30 seconds half-looking for it then moseyed back down empty handed she said something like, “Attention children: the excuse ‘I’m not good at finding things’ will no longer be accepted in this house. Please go look again.” Now anytime I am slacking my way through half-doing a task someone has asked me to do, justifying myself with the old, “This kind of task just isn’t my forte”, I see the look on her face when she looked at him. It’s that look that says “I know very well that you are capable of more.”

It is precisely that art of gentle persuasion, that x-ray vision into our souls to draw out our deep reserves of motivation and sense of purpose that I believe have preserved the true spirit of this day. In spite of Hallmark, in spite of 1-800-FLOWERS attempts to revise and re-sell us an apolitical version of Mother’s Day that assures big money for their companies (whose CEO’s, you can probably bet, are not turning profits over to mom for her troubles.)

The true spirit of this day has been followed by other fearless leaders like Cindy Sheehan (founder of Camp Casey outside Bush’s Crawford Ranch) and other mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq, who along with the Granny Peace Brigade and Code Pink, Women for Peace, are right now engaged in a 5-day camp out at the White House demanding a withdrawal from Iraq and an end to the bloodshed on both sides. Standing with them are veterans and their families, active duty service members, students and many other heroes.

In previous years on this day you had movie stars like Susan Sarandon speaking at the Million Mom March for gun control. In the spirit of Ana Jarvis, who first conceived Mother’s Day to call attention to sanitation conditions for poor Appalachians, Coretta Scott King led a Mother's Day march in support of poor mothers and their children as part of the Poor People's Campaign in 1968. Under the banner of "Mother Power," she exhorted "black women, white women, brown women, and red women-all the women of this nation"-to take up this ..campaign of conscience." In the 1970s the National Organization of Women employed Mother's Day to stage rallies for the Equal Rights Amendment, to promote access to child-care, and to hold their own "Give-Equality-for-Mother's Day" banquets. In the 1980s the Women's Party for Survival, founded by Helen Caldicott, held Mothers for Peace Day demonstrations. Others used Mother's Day to highlight their boycott of multinational corporations selling infant formulas to third World mothers.

Like good sons and daughters, many have responded to the grieving and outrage that gave birth to the Mother’s Day proclamation and absorbed the lesson, as we would a harsh reminder from mom to clean up after ourselves, wear our seatbelts, or share our snacks. The proclamation has taken root in America’s conscience and refuses to go away.

There was a man at a benefit for Iraq Veterans against the War in a crowded Irish bar in Manhattan where I saw Cindy Sheehan speak. It was standing room only, drinks were two for one, and as you can imagine it became quickly a very rambunctious event. Though the crowd was supportive, there was a lot of shouted interjections and what you could only call heckling. Cindy handled it all with amazing grace. Anyway this man interrupted her speech to say, “you’re a true patriot Cindy!” Without missing a beat she fired back, “actually I prefer the term matriot.” A little taken aback, the man simply shouted back, “I stand corrected!”

As Cindy implied, the patriotic or matriotic work of pro-actively striving for peace and feminism have always been intertwined. For it is in the name of women that war is waged. How many grieving 9-11 mothers and wives’ tears were exploited on camera to fuel the drive to war, first with Afghanistan and then Iraq? How many times did the Bush camp champion the cause of women restricted from work and mobility by the Taliban, only to leave thousands of them homeless, in need of food and water, many with small children in tow after the bombings?

Women are more likely to be displaced as a result of war, more likely to be the sole providers of children and the elderly and more likely to die of disease caused by lack of sanitation wars create. Women and children make up 80% of war refugees worldwide.

Yet, it’s easy to get used to this kind of grandstanding in your name as a woman. Easy to get used to paternalistic, trivializing prescriptions for your needs. You get used to people constantly making assumptions about what is too heavy for you to carry, too complicated for you to operate, simple machines like door locks and bicycle gears and audio visual equipment, used to getting unsolicited advice about where and when you should or shouldn’t go alone. If you stood up for yourself constantly, you’d be living a war eternally with your surroundings. You’d be written off as pushy, un-feminine, a neuter, a non-entity. If by some miracle your feelings in a given matter are taken into consideration, let’s say you take the podium like Julia Ward Howe, and you manage to overcome all of your internalized suspicions that what they say of you is true, that you’re not strong, that you should stick to what you were designed for, wifing and birthing and rearing and attending to others. And you stand up, and you let the words come through you from all the generations past, all your mothers and aunts and sisters and grandmothers who never had the occasion or the agency or the poise to speak them, and they come down torrentially, and they move others to act. They inspire and instruct and help others to grow. Well, the sad reality is that history will come for your very words, for your statement, for your story, like a thief in the night to hijack and annihilate. The sad truth is that even the websites you can surf onto that are maintained by Harvard, Cornell and even, barely mention her proclamation, this major moment in American History. This day that theologians have called an “opening to women in the Protestant calendar.” A day when singing "Faith of Our Mothers" instead of "Faith of Our Fathers" in Christian churches and honoring the Virgin Mary as Mother of Jesus has become the norm. A day that activists have claimed as an occasion to challenge militarism by locking themselves to fences at air force bases and nuclear facilities for more than 100 years. A day that has made millions for everyone from corporations to the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker.

Who will remember your story? Who will tell it?

As I see it, to be small, to be poor, to be a woman, a single mother, a prisoner, an invisible, is to be erasable, even when your contribution is monumental. To truly revere mothers in our society, we must listen to them. We must learn to hear better and ask questions to discover their true stories, their struggles, and stand beside them. Sometimes that means buying flowers, or making breakfast in bed. Sometimes it means digging into the trenches beside them to fight for child care, job training, a higher minimum wage, parental leave. Watching kids or making sacrifices. Sometimes it means doing our own dishes, as I learned from my mom who begged us not to have parties in her honor, because she’d end up cleaning them up, or examining the assumptions and privileges we walk around with in this world. For basic rights to safety, mobility, autonomy, the freedom of choice, are not doled out equally. It means looking at a world at war and seeing that the costs are not shared fairly, and who is calling the shots, who is at the table, how did they get there? What assumptions and unearned entitlements got them there? It means going to the violent neighborhoods in our own hearts to wrestle openly with these questions.

If you are looking for a place to start, or to continue, I have 3 categories of suggestions. Stand with mothers to stop the occupation of Iraq and protect the children fighting on all sides of the conflict. Help to hold our leaders accountable. Hold them to their word, for example Nancy Pulosi recently stated, “When people ask me what are the three most important issues today in congress, I always say the same thing, ‘our children, our children, our children. Their health, their education, their economic security, their families, their environment… and of course, a world at peace in which they can thrive.’” Let’s hold her to that.

Support the growing GI movement in opposition to the war. Lt. Ehren Watada and Sgt. Ricky Clousing are two officers who have refused deployment to Iraq, and need the support of Americans that oppose the war on moral or legal grounds.

Lastly, of course, call your mother. And all the mothers in your life. Ask her what a true Mother’s Day would look like to her, if she had the power and the glory. Don’t assume she wants flowers. Most of them are picked by children, paid a pittance, and who are exposed to toxic chemicals while they work. Anyway, maybe she wants a membership to War Resisters League, or a copy of the War Resisters League 2007 calendar. Maybe she wants a ride to the CodePink rally. Maybe she just wants to sit and talk, to tell you her story, to complain, the gift of space to exist as an intelligent, complex being who, at any age, is still growing, still expanding, still full of surprises.

Whomever you are, parent, teacher, mother, father, street sweeper, arise. Whether your baptism be of water or of tears, whether your war is half a world away or right on your doorstep. Whether it is militarism or poverty or indignity, the dehumanizing forces of sexism, racism homophobia or violence that has come for you or your child in the night, it is time to forsake the plow and the anvil, leave all that is left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel. A day of reckoning with a deep sickness that has pervaded our culture for too long. A day to refuse to pass on our own bad habits to the younger generation and set an example for them. To create new meanings of honor, without bloodshed; love without violence, possession, dominance, unfair and paternal usurping of self-determination.

If you need help, it is there. There are organizations of like minded people. There are study groups to struggle with our own internalized superiority and inferiority complexes. There are marches and workshops and books and mentors. There are your neighbors, like me, looking around every day for those with passion to match our own for justice, equality, true freedom for all. Looking to be inspired, to find relief and solidarity. And of course, there are the stories. Let’s not let the good ones get lost.

“Not only is another world possible, but on a quiet day, you can hear her breathing.” --Arundhati Roy

Mimi is also an amazing musician, and more can be found about her music at

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


"I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away."

Whether we like it or not it is nearly irrefutable that we humans belong together in community, in tribes, in family groups. We are social creatures and once upon a time, it is likely that we got along, at least as well as other animals do, which is to say that while we might have gotten nasty to defend our food supply or our children or mate if called to do so, we didn't argue over the petty shit. There was no petty shit.

"Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing.
Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes, testing our communication."

So now we have these big brains and these big fucking ideals, and life is one big existential crisis compounded by imminent social and environmental collapse. Without such pressure we have a hard time figuring out how to express ourselves to each other. Now we get set off by each other even when our goals and desires are in accordance with each other. Our work is in learning how to recognize that perspective is everything, we are each entirely the sum of our experiences, and then to talk, write, sign, look at each other in more effective ways so that we can quit bickering and work towards integration.

"The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end, crippling our communication."

So it hurts. We hurt. We hurt from broken families and broken homes and broken cultures. It hurts when others say and do things we do not understand, and our pain blinds us to try to see where they are coming from, just as it hurts to say something that is then not understood by others, and our pain blinds us to try to see where they have been coming from. We do not function well in our pain and we have a hard time getting to the place where perhaps we need to explain further or apologize or make progress or forgive. If we do not? Breakdown.

"I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame - it doesn't mean I don't desire to
Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over."

Goddammit, look here! I know there is a better way! I know we don't have to destroy each other and the earth! I know if you just do it this way we can make it!

No way! We are doomed, we're fucked, we don't have a chance in hell. Give up, fuck you all, I am doing whatever I want!

"To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication."

Interesting. Hmmm, ok. I'll try to....Listen. Speak with consideration, deliberation, care. Think. Be patient. Accept other's faults, their baggage, the places they've been, their sun sign and moon sign and rising sign. Apologize. Keep humor intact. Be compassionate. Metered. Diplomatic. Creative, constructive, effective. Cooperative. Lose insecurities and quit fantasizing that it's all about me. Listen with my mind wide open. Speak with my tongue not barbed.

"The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
And the circling is worth it.
Finding beauty in the dissonance."

Maybe there is something to be learned from with whom I do not agree. Maybe there is a magic, a lesson in our discord, like a chord thumped loudly on the strings of our souls. Beauty in dissonance? The light in the dark, remember? The dark that is a light? Let the paradox arise!

"There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away.
Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting."

Ecosystem, biosystem, social systems that sustain. Once and future world views that work only when there is no desperate grabbing for power, wealth, resources, fame.

"I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing,
Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication. "

Well, this sure seems to keep coming up again and again. The crumbling is around our ears, in our eyes, our air, water, food, homes, relationships, families. Needing each other as advocates, this lifetime not fulfilled. Sure extinction is a real possibility, but it isn't here yet, isn't a choice as much as a possible outcome, but until then what? I am here with you, all of you.

"Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers...
Between supposed brothers..."

Silence = Death. Ever heard that before? You are my supposed lovers, my supposed brothers. I refuse to be silent. I beg of you to use your voices, as well, and use them well...

"I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!
I know the pieces fit!"

("schism" by TOOL, by whom I am gratefully humbled.)

Monday, June 04, 2007

a trancer's prayer for her knees

Dearest Goddess of dancing all night,
of transformative, psychedelic, powerful, life changing events,
Goddess of long walks up the mountain and gorgeous strong legs,
have mercy upon me.

I may not have always held my body as I should have,
may have stood with knees locked in a defiant stance
in a stony challenge to the world to go ahead and try to knock me down if you can,
(and you can't)
but now I am ready to yield
bend at the knees
if you would please
grant me respite from the mounting pain
in these knees
which have carried me thus far
and for which I am ever so grateful.
You see, Goddess, I still need these knees
for many more vigorous mountain hikes and
reverent trance dancing for hours and sometimes days on end.

Sweet loving Goddess of gardens and scratch cooked meals,
Goddess of the sacred hearth that must be tended,
I beg of you offer me relief
from the aches and cramps of my feet, calves and crackling joints
that need to kneel in the dirt with veggies and flowers and
hover low over morning fires heating my children's home and
stand long hours in the kitchen
perpetually and lovingly
preparing the days' meals.
I will sit when I can, stretch and
wear supportive shoes on the hard tile floors,
will soak my feet and wrap my knees in hot castor oil healing packs,
but I beg for your compassion;
let me carry out my duties, work and play
without pain.

Diana, Goddess of the hunt and the hounds,
each day I invoke you as I exercise my pack of rescued beasts,
hike devotedly on my two legs so they may each stretch their four.
Please bestow upon me limber joints and far-reaching endurance,
relaxed smooth muscle tissue and
the ability to lope capably alongside my lupine companions.

Grandmother Goddess, I tell you,
someday I may need to rock more babies on my hips
and walk them soothingly long into the night and
Goddess of revolution and rock and roll,
I at times still find myself in tough black boots
(with supportive insoles, of course)
thrashing my way through the pit or
marching the streets of DC in protest of the abounding madness.
Holy, holy Goddess,
sometimes I seek only to kneel,
bow my head to the sacred ground,
give thanks and pray.
May I do so without the sharp stab of ligaments
stretching beyond their once liberal elasticity.

Goddesses, of you all I implore:
I need a thousand more miles
upright on these tired soles,
I need a million more stomps of bare feet into earth,
I need ease and yogic grace in my deep squats
as I hunker near the ground face to face
holding hands with women nearing birth and
listening to children share profound insights,
I need to feed the hungry on strong legs,
stand unwaveringly against injustice in the world
and leap in celebration when we should triumph.
I need to
jump for joy
for many, many long years to come.
For this boon, Goddess, I offer myself unto you.
I shall serve relentlessly
(though frankly you know I'll do it whether I ache or not)
but I would feel so honored to do so
in that blessed state of grace-
free from chronic pain.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

a blog reborn

Oh my sweet and beloved blog, I have not abandoned you! I actually think of you far more often than is reasonable. I mean, if I am going to write, I should write. If I am not, I should not spend my time feeling guilty that I have not. That said, I believe I have returned.

This spring thus far has been...revolutionary. Certainly, I am prone to bouts of personal revolution, in fact, I seem to not function well without them. But somewhere between new years eve's self-inflicted, psychological turmoil (which I have yet to post about, but will; the tale is party written and deserves to come to light) and the first blooms of the equinox everything settled like a silky layer of silt at the ocean floor; the blackness is occasionally rustled by the tides but mostly rests compliantly below where I can dig my toes into its soft murkiness when I choose.

What has spring wrought upon me? With delicate hammers of silver and copper my life has been molded and fired, the materials of my days sometimes easing seamlessly into new forms and other times requiring a little extra banging into place.

I have new housemates, three to be exact, that actually comprise an entirely new family structure for me with great potential for the future. Three lovely ladies now complete my household, and we two mommies, two sons and two daughters have become the progressive evolution of the old Brady Bunch theme. And trust me, two cooperative parents under one roof is far superior to one struggling alone. We are having a blast!

There has been a shift in my codependency and in a primary love relationship. I am demonstrating a high proficiency in my lessons around living my life for my self and allowing others to do the same and keeping healthy boundaries. It feels fantastic.

A powerful catalyst swooped into town and once again brought up some questions for me that I continue to address. What level of priority do I place upon my need for the profundity I experience through trance, festivals and travel versus the sanctity I desire at home and with family and in relationships? How do I continue to strive for balance amongst them? Where must they intersect, and at what points is it acceptable for them to diverge? And who should I love and how and what love will compliment me most in all arenas of my being? These are all big questions for me, as both realms are of immense import to me. This is an ongoing process.

And then there is the pain. The physical which seems to have, for some reason, become my constant companion. I seek the whys and hows and what to do for relief. I have been looking at the physiological and psychological reasons for these ongoing struggles and feel confusion. Should my goal be to find the answer that ends the pain or to make peace with it and accept its place in my life? I do not want to hurt, especially when I feel so fucking gloriously about being alive. But then, I count my blessings; at least I feel gloriously about being alive. At least my children are well. At least my home is safe. At least I continue to have these periods of personal transmutation and revelation. And yet I grow weary of the hurt.

And there has been music, so much music I am blessed to feel. Band of Horses, The Arcade Fire, Goa Gil and more. Next stop TOOL!

Alas, I am alive, dear readers, fully. I am activated. I seek answers but understand that I may spend the rest of my days looking for them. But for the opportunity to quest, I give thanks. Welcome back to my process and thank you very much for sharing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

soccer mom poetry

the sky is incredibly blue and
the breeze is soft and
the sun is warmly beginning to descend in the sky
casting long shadows
over long boys
finishing soccer practice
in this grass field where I
quite contentedly
scribble musings
in my pink flowery journal and
thank god in all her forms
for the grandeur of my life
holy heck!
blessed be.

Monday, April 02, 2007

the infinite possibilities of morning

I have definitely become a devout member of my own personal sun cult. I absolutely expand at the rising of the sun in the morning. Even though I am still tired and want to be asleep, when those brightest rays of light pour through my window as the sun creeps above the ridge line in the east, I am up.

Then, daily, I find myself plagued by what to do, how best to use this precious, glorious time that seems pregnant with possibility. Should I write? God know it's all I really want to do and there never ever seems to be the time for it. Should I read? I am volumes behind on the reading I would have liked to have done at this point in my life.

But there are so many more pressing and practical uses for my time. I could finish the dishes, or start the laundry, or prepare breakfast. Hell, I could start preparations for dinner, considering the amount of time that scratch prepared, whole foods cooking requires. I could wake my lethargic, homeschooled boys and try and get us all started on our day together.

What I often end up doing, what I did this morning between starting and finishing this post, is going for my morning walk. My saving grace, my kinetic salvation, I walk up the mountain with my pack of unruly dogs almost every day and it serves as their exercise and mine and my opportunity, if only for 35 minutes, to be outside and soak up the sun and breathe the mountain air and be in my body fully.

Often when I wake I think I could stretch. I could do yoga. I could meditate and do chi gong. But I don't. I need to, but I don't. I haven't mustered up the routine of it yet. I will need to sit with books and read and figure what style and what method and what approach. Then I will just wake up and do it. I don't know for what the hell I am waiting. I haven't figured it out.

I like the feeling that I get in those hours, as though I could accomplish anything. I seek to harness it and to make better use of it. Someday, perhaps, I will rise and compose a fine poem, start the laundry, read a chapter, make omelettes with fresh veggies for breakfast, complete six sun salutations and one 1000 hands Buddha chi gong form, soak the beans for dinner, correct homeschool papers and come up with a brilliant new science experiment for the day and take a strident stroll as a walking meditation up the mountain all before 10 AM. That would rock!

What do you do in the morning?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

frustrated and grateful

I never thought I would be so truly dependent on computers, but I am. My lovely little machine has, for some reason, failed me again recently which meant I went a week without it, and now that it's back it doesn't feel like mine anymore. It's got a new operating system installed and I have to go through the hassle of transferring the data (of which, thank god, I had saved much though not all) onto it, replacing lost files and applications, some of which I paid for, and I am just annoyed about the whole thing.

Furthermore, my frustration is compounded by the fact that I really depend on it to write now, and I feel like writing more than ever before, and I am not getting to do so for all the lost time these inconvenieces cost me in conjunction with the immense busy-ness of my life. I mean, this is not what I wanna be writing about.

I pray for time and fluidity of currency so I have more opportunities to write. And do other things, like write at the beach or, say, Burning Man. For which, incidentally, I received my ticket today. Black Rock City, here I come - blessed be!

And in walks gratitude, a refreshment, a healing balm . Thanks, gratitude. I am grateful for your help.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, I do hate when I go this long without posting, and this time it's quite a tragedy because there is so much good writing in my brain that I just have not had time to get out of my system and onto a screen. It's making me crazy. I have been so busy and I am quite tired. I seem to need so much sleep. Plus, I started a long and involved post that seems very important to me and I keep thinking I'll get back to it and shouldn't post anything else till that gets completed, but alas, tonight I just need to vent.

I am so premenstrual, I am very overly emotional. I have felt clingy and a little hung up on some things (read: people) that I have lately been in a rather good space about. This morning I cried in the car on the way to our new homeschool coop group (which is quite wonderful, by the way) about the idea that I wouldn't have another baby. Frankly, I feel like I have been processing that concept for a while. In many ways I felt like this past fall and the emotional pain I was having was my grieving over the acceptance that my childbearing days truly are over, so I felt very much in a place of acceptance. It was a bit of a surprise to creep up on me so unexpectedly.

I have also been sick with some silly cold or flu which I certainly caught last weekend at this "kissing" party I went to. (Yes, it was every bit what you imagine it to have been.) So the cold combined with the PMS is making me feel vulnerable. Often in states like this my dreams go a bit haywire, as they are prone to surreal hyperbole and drama in a graphic and visual way anyhow, and I have dreamed twice in recent nights very vividly about my beloved dog Aleksie coming to harm or dying.

So tonight, she and the silly rottweiler decided to take off as they do when Stanley gets loose. It pisses me off and worries me, but usually they are gone a few hours then show up tired and dirty, but always together. Well, Stanley has been home for over and hour now and there is still no sign of Aleksie, gone since 5:00 this afternoon, and my fear that some harm has actually come to her is really starting to get the worst of me. I mean, those could have been prophetic dreams. It would certainly not be the first time I have had dreams of that nature. But then again, I do not trust myself right now because I know I am emotionally vulnerable and over anxious as a result. I just want her to come home.

So the rest of my life you will have to wait upon. If you haven't already seen it you could check out the valentine I made for everybody I know earlier this month. Part of it was just a recycled post from a very early date in this blog. Ooh! Actually, you could do that, too. If you haven't been reading from the beginning, now is a good time to go back and catch up on some of my earlier posts. My blog is definitely not strictly chronological and most of my posts read as individual compositions. So there. I'm off the hook. Go read my old stuff while I sit here and worry about my dog and work on some long winded, heady new stuff to post later.

Goodnight. I hope my 'leksie girl comes home safe and sound and all in one piece and I hope I sleep well and find some time to write.

Friday, January 19, 2007


I normally don't blog other's writing, but there is something that I really want to share in the world that I don't think has gotten nearly enough credit. Ulali is a First Nations women's acapella trio, (First Nations, for those who may not know, is the title some of the indigenous tribes of North America more commonly but inaccurately known as Native Americans have chosen for themselves.) and they are amazing, brilliant, talented and inspiring. Their album Mahk Jchi is a powerful work of art, rife with gorgeous harmonies, deeply felt but never dramatic emotion, humor, and a most compelling sense of compassion.

One of the last tracks on the album, called All My Relations is the most powerful statement in acceptance, inclusiveness and unconditional love I have heard anywhere, ever. The degree to which they succeed in offering their devotion to all their relations, meaning all of us, as in we truly are all one family on this planet, the good, the bad and the heinous amongst us, is astonishing. It is profound.

This entire album tends to make me cry for a host of reasons. Just the sheer beauty of these women's voices evokes a strong sense of love and loss and challenges overcome which is plenty to yank a tear or ten from me. Also, when my beloved lost his mind and ended up in a rehab in Tennessee a couple years ago I got into the habit of listening to this album on the drive to visit him. That was, naturally, a very emotional time in my life and that album brought to mind for me the beauty of the world in contrast with my own pain, the pain of women struggling in such a broken world, and the overwhelming tragedy of cultures lost and how that has affected all of our ability to be whole. I would drive and sing and cry and cry and cry.

And All My Relations in particular culls the strongest response from me because it so eloquently reminds us that we need to include all in our prayers, even those who seem like the perpetrators, the enemy. To hear a dedication coming from the mouths of First Nations women directed not only to their ancestors and all the victims of the atrocities of relocation and extermination, but also many who have caused suffering along the way is a humbling reminder that we all could work a little harder at cultivating compassion in our hearts and minds. Compassion is a way of life whose purpose is to allow us to forgive those who seem not to deserve forgiveness, but in our forgiveness we serve love in the highest and that can only elevate us and the plight of our species. At least that is what I believe, though I am not always perfect in my attempts at compassion. This song prompts me to strive for it.

All My Relations by Ulali

To our elders who teach us of our creation and our past so we may preserve Mother Earth for ancestors yet to come, we are the link.

This is dedicated to our relatives before us, thousands of years ago, and to the 150 million who were exterminated across the western hemisphere in the first 400 years time starting in 1492:

To those who have kept their homelands and to the nations extinct due to mass slaughter, slavery, deportation and disease unknown to them, and to the ones who are subjected to the same treatment today,

To the ones who survived the relocations and the ones who died along the way,

To those who carried on traditions and live strong among their people,

To those who left their communities by force or by choice and for generations who no longer know who they are,

To those who search and never find,

To those that turn away the so called non-accepted,

To those that bring us together and to those living outside keeping touch, the voice for many,

To those that make it back to live and fight the struggles of their people,

To those that give up and those who do not care,

To those who abuse themselves and others and those who revive again,

To those who are physically, mentally or spiritually incapable by accident or by birth,

To those who seek strength in our spirituality in ways of life and those who exploit it, even our own,

To those who fall for the lies and join the dividing lines that keep us fighting amongst each other,

To the outsiders who step in, good or bad, and those of us who don’t know better,

To the leaders and prisoners of war, politics, crime, race and religion- innocent or guilty,

To the young, the old, the living and the dead,
To our brothers and sisters and all living things across Mother Earth and her beauty we’ve destroyed and denied, the honor that the Creator has given each individual, the truth that lies in our hearts…

All my relations.

There is no way I can do this song justice by just publishing the words. You need to hear their voices speak their truth. Please find Ulali and support them by purchasing their music so you can experience their gift of beauty yourself and so they can continue to generate music of the highest vibration.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

it's my blood

Today I was talking to my friend, S, an empowered, feminist woman. She had just gotten her period and was having some cramps and complained a little. I, who has somewhat of an issue with random muscle spasms and cramps in other parts of my body said that I prefer menstrual cramps to that other type of cramping. S said that she prefers no cramps at all. Then I told her that not only do I prefer uterine cramps to the cramping of other muscle groups, but that I actually kind of like uterine cramps. She said I was weird.

I guess she must be right. I realized that all my years of feminist consciousness raising and herbal education and midwifery training and practicing has put me into what is probably a tiny minority. I am so deeply connected to my cycles and appreciate my body so much that I love menstruating, furthermore I enjoy the minor discomfort associated with it.

Now please hear me out. First of all, I know there are many women out there who, for a variety of reasons physiological and emotional, experience extreme discomfort and even acute pain during their menstrual cycle, and I, gratefully, am not one of them. I would likely feel differently if I were. Also, I believe that it would be far less difficult for all women to cope with the physical and emotional symptoms associated with our reproductive cycles, and reproducing itself, if we were all in a culture that allowed a little more space for us to provide ourselves with the care we may need to ameliorate those symptoms, care such as time off, bed rest, nourishing foods and teas, gentle exercise, support of other women in the community, support of the men in the community, etc.

That said, here I am, anomalous. I like the bleeding, the gorgeous bright and dark reds of my blood. I like the warm sensation of the contractions as they gently grip my womb. I appreciate the emotional vulnerability, the wide openness that comes in this state and the days leading up to it. I get a kick out of the tears I can find myself shedding over a sunrise or a Hallmark commercial. I even find the tender soreness that my nipples experience to be kind of yummy; my breasts long to be held and when I am lucky enough to have the pleasure of someone's attention on them the sensitivity is really quite a turn-on.

I like to sit and let the waves of aching wash through me as I am submerged in a hot bath. I like it that when I go to bed the night of the first day of my bleeding I am assured I will sleep deeply and deep into the morning. I try whenever possible to allow myself that treat, that brief, period vacation some mornings.

I am glad that when I bleed I bleed onto cotton cloths and pads that I wash and use over. I spend no money on disposable menstrual products that eventually get thrown or flushed away.

I cherish watching how my cycle gets swayed with the moon. I am not a 28 day bleeder; I generally cycle more quickly than that so it is interesting to notice how the tides of the earth and orbit of the moon can pull me into one direction or another, a slightly longer cycle, a particularly juicy fertility spell during a full moon, a dark, heavy bleed during a new moon. I track the days of my cycle in my We'Moon calendar and have done so for ten years or longer. I am as in touch with my fertility as I think one could be. I can choose not to practice any other method of birth control than fertility awareness when I have a lover if I want because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt when I am able to get pregnant. It is a beautiful blessing.

So to those of you reading who are shirking at my intimate recount of something most women hide or despise I ask that you have an open mind and imagine that perhaps there would be far fewer women who did suffer under a simple and natural rhythm of their bodies if they were not forced to hide it or feel shame in it or work through it quietly eating Midol and stuffing chemical laden tampons into the most delicate niche in their bodies. Perhaps like so many other things in our world we are out of balance in how we manage, approach and appreciate what women's bodies do.

I like bleeding. You could, too. And our men can learn to love everything that our bodies do and appreciate and value our cycles and make space and provide love for us in the course of that flow.

And thus we have come to the end of another one of my feminist, tree-hugging, dirt-worshipping, witch-talking, yoni-loving tirades. But you can excuse me, right? I am bleeding, after all. ; )

(PS - I bet most of you have never seen Judy Chicago's earth-shattering, feminist art piece called Red Flag. I chose not to use it as the image heading up my blog only because I wanted to gently introduce my feelings on the matter, but if I were feeling feisty, this is the image I would have used. Please check it out. Judy Chicago is one of my heroes.)